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The Magic Ten and Beyond; easy but not 'simple' practices from co-founder of Jivamukti Yoga

It's been a week since I had the privilege to spend time with the extended Jivamukti family and study with our beloved teacher Sharon Gannon. It was truly a magical experience and so precious to have her here, visiting us in Norway, at our 'home base'. She brought us together, teachers and

students of this practice and method from all over Norway but also Sweden, Germany, Turkey and Italy to mention a few. I would like to send out a heartfelt 'thank you' to every individual, beautiful being that contributed to create such a good and loving vibe throughout the weekend. Also a special acknowledgment and appreciation to the people organizing and responsible for bringing our teacher to us; Camilla Veen, Else Marie Pedersen, Julie Tengesdal and the Jivamukti Stavanger staff.

Photo by Moritz Ulrich, Peace Yoga - Berlin

But first and foremost, an enormous 'THANK YOU' to Padmaji, Sharon Gannon, for bedazzling us with her magical presence. Her energy, wisdom and inspiring teachings will keep my practice,

our community, activism and engagement ignited for a longe time coming. I'm so grateful to have found this method with it's strong, free-thinking, courageous and compassionate founders and teachers.

The Magic Ten and Beyond is Sharon's lates book and a practical manual and guide to develop your own daily spiritual practice. In the book she presents ten easy and doable practices that she herself has been practicing throughout the years. If you've ever met her, I am sure you have no doubt about the magic of these routines and rituals, since Padmaji herself is a living proof 'in person' of the powerful effects of the practice.

In Stavanger she gave us a thorough, in depth introduction and review of all ten practices from the book. Starting us of with teachings of 'gratefulness-practices', practices of nourishment, breathing and moving practices, meditation and relaxation. While all along explaining and sharing insights on both the physical, subtle, spiritual and scientific effects of the practice. Like I said, it was truly a magical and mind expanding experience. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the subject of Yoga and longing for a independent, transforming and doable self- practice.

You can order the book here...

Jivamukti Yoga Stavanger:

Jivamukti Yoga New York:


After this weekend with our teacher, I've had a few thoughts and reflections running through my mind. Thoughts about our general attachment to the physical aspects of Yoga and how we tend to get stuck in a limited, rigid and 'not so' nourishing way of practice. It's hardly any news to the 'conversation'. It's a longtime discussed and argued subject, that we spend an-over-amount of time and energy on the physical yoga, our asana practice. Making us possible more ego- centered, uncertain and lost about who we really are. But I'm not going to start another discussion around this, I'd rather share how amazed I was after 'the magic ten and beyond- weekend'. Amazed of how profound these easy but not 'simple' practices worked on me. It is a magical combination of mindfulness, moving, breathing and meditation. And it's all designed in such an inspiring and accessible way that anyone can do it. Anyone and everyone can experience the profound,

transforming and magical effects of Yoga.

Through her teachings Sharonji uncompromisingly transmits the essence of Yoga in a all- including and inviting way to everyone. Making it possible to each individual, in their own time, to get a deeper understanding of themselves, Yoga, the World and our interconnectedness. She puts it very nicely into words that 'the real Yoga' is about choosing happiness. And to be able to experience real happiness we have to stop causing suffering and pain to other beings. What we want for ourself we have to provide for others. The biggest challenge and most important practice is to see ourselves in others. 'Magic is a shift in perception' she says, and that shift in perception is to see the divine essence in ourself and others. Other humans, animals and our divine nature.

Being a yogi means to be at ease, with a calm mind and a cool head, comfortable in our own skin, Sharon says. We should have a consistent daily practice that brings about these qualities in our life. Cause only when we're not needing nor desperate, are we able to extend kindness and compassion to others and our surroundings. May all beings everywhere be happy en free, and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way, to that happiness and freedom for all.

Peace, peace, peace.

Thank you, dearest Padmaji for teaching. Please stay in our life's.

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